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About Us

Who are we?

Aspire AP Schools are a family of two Alternative Provision Independent Schools, initially established in partnership with award winning charity Transforming Lives for Good.

Our Ethics

We believe that every young person should know that they are precious, distinctive and gifted and that they are capable of flourishing, both now and in the future. Our model is tried and tested: we have found that working in partnership with local organisations, communities and individuals is the key to unlocking exceptional education and assistance for our pupils and their families.

We have a distinct Christian ethos and in practice, the values of respect, care, love, acceptance and belonging for all are promoted and supported among our staff, pupils and throughout our community.

Our Mission

Our Mission is to offer appropriate and relevant courses in various subject areas that will:

  • Develop analytical thinking and reasoning skills
  • Strengthen reading, writing and listening skills
  • Promote the study of subject areas in greater depth
  • Encourage disciplined study skills and the habits of mind needed for success
  • Foster persistence and a college-ready or return to mainstream school culture
Our Vision

  • To address our pupils , emotional, and learning needs while encouraging their ability to succeed.
  • To engage our pupils in learning and "higher order thinking" so that they can think more skillfully than they would otherwise.
  • To allow encourage our pupils to manage their emotions, communicate with others effectively and eventually regulate and boost their own learning.
  • To assist in reintegration into a mainstream school or onto further education or employment.
  • Testimonial

    What they say


    “The curriculum extends beyond the academic, with specific lessons focused on behaviour, choices and self-regulation, and making positive changes. The school’s work around pupils’ behaviour is impressive. Pupils engage well with their learning.” “Pupils say that this school is different because the staff understand them... Parents and carers cannot praise staff enough for the care they provide for their children.”


    Our Executive Head Teacher


    Viviene Royal
    Executive Head Teacher/SENCO

    Mrs Viviene Royal has 25 years experience in a mainstream secondary school setting. Before becoming Executive Headteacher of Aspire AP Schools in January 2020, she taught in inner-city schools in both Bradford and Birmingham. Mrs. Royal is committed to inspiring young people to achieve their fullest potential and fosters a culture of high expectations in which both staff and pupils are able to be their best selves.

    Our Head Teacher


    James Lawlor
    Head Teacher

    Mr James Lawlor has 12 years experience teaching secondary Physics and Biology in mainstream schools before becoming Headteacher of Aspire AP School in August 2022.


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    Our objective is to provide educational and therapeutic support, in order to enable our young people to re-engage with their schooling.

    Our academic and therapeutic curriculum aims to address the barriers to learning which some of our pupils may encounter. In so doing, we find that we can positively address the gaps in their education. In addition, at Aspire we seek to provide a curriculum which extends the knowledge of our young people and develops their skill set. The local context of the school also factors into our curriculum.

    We support students in assist pupils in building their vital literacy and numeracy skills through core subjects of English and Maths. Reading is plays a critical part in the expansion of lifelong communication skills; we therefore place high value on our reading programme – and we wish for our young people to do the same. We also encourage our pupils to develop their minds through our ‘Thinking Skills’ programme, focusing on four key areas: Problem-Solving & Decision-Making; Information Management; Effective Inquiry; and Creative Thinking.

    Aspire AP Schools meets the Independent School Standards by providing pupils with opportunities to learn in the following areas: Literacy, Mathematics, Science, PSHE/ Citizenship, Humanities, Sports, Cooking and Creative Arts.

    If you would like to see a thorough breakdown of Aspire AP Schools' academic performance or results, please contact the Executive Head Teacher, who will gladly provide it to you. Our schools aims to teach young people about civic and cultural development, which includes essential British values. We actively encourage equal opportunity and diversity for staff and pupils, and will not accept discrimination.

    Aspire AP School staff work hard to keep pupils safe from radicalisation and extremism by being open to dialogue about these issues and responding quickly and appropriately to vulnerable pupils.

    Academic Year 2024/2025

    Behaviour, Attendance & Special Educational Needs

    At Aspire AP Schools, we work with pupils who may have special educational needs and / or social, emotional and behavioural challenges.

    Regular staff training ensures that our team is equipped to work work optimally with all of our young people, providing them with robust support for their wide-ranging needs. Our teaching activities are well-varied and designed to keep our pupils positively engaged, while also supporting their contrasting learning styles.

    At Aspire, we employ a model of our small group sizes and high staff-to- pupil ratios, tailor the curriculum and degree of support needed, to each young person. ,Our desire is for our pupils to be empowered to flourish.

    We believe that in order to flourish, our young people need healthy structure. Thus, Aspire AP Schools ask all pupils to abide by a code of conduct, which is outlined in a "contract" all pupils sign at the start of their placement. Using our Behaviour for Learning Assessment, staff, parents or carers and young people identify and establish behavioural targets in areas they find challenging. Support is then provided to help them pupils develop.

    At Aspire, staff follow outlined protocol Staff use strategies to promote and in regularly affirming and promoting positive behaviour; and conversely, communicating clear and consistent sanctions to pupils for when their behaviour is inappropriate. Students Pupils are taught that their actions have consequences – and thus, in many cases, they resolve to change their behaviour accordingly.

    Pupils are always supervised while in school. Unless excused, they are expected to attend all sessions, (in both the morning and afternoon). We believe that high attendance is essential for success and, working in partnership with our young people and their families, seek to address any obstacles which may make regular attendance more challenging.

    Ofsted Inspections

    Aspire AP School is registered with the Department of Education as an independent school and is subject to Ofsted inspections under the Education Inspection Framework.

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