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Working in partnership with referring school

Contacting referrers regularly ensures that they are kept up to date on students' attendance, progress, and engagement with the placement. Close coordination between Aspire APSchool and the referrer allows for a more integrated approach to the services students are offered on non-Aspire AP days, highlighting possibilities where Aspire AP can assist students with qualifications they are pursuing through school.

Referral procedure

Aspire AP is usually referred students by their schools and local authorities or statutory agencies such as Youth Offending Teams or Social Services. The first step in making an initial referral is to contact the Head Teacher.

Acceptance on an Aspire AP School placement is contingent on a successful interview during which the young person, their referrer, and a parent or caregiver discuss and agree on expectations and boundaries.

Referrers will be kept up to date on progress and behavior on a regular basis, and open, two-way contact is encouraged.

Referrers receive a progress report each term and can attend a review where more conversation takes place, and plans for the next stages are formed. Support for onward transition is provided in the run-up to the end of a placement. A final review is held in the last week, and referrers, along with parents or caregivers, are invited to an awards ceremony.

Student Welfare

Behaviour, attendance, and special educational needs are all factors to consider. We deal with young people with special educational, social, emotional, and behavioral challenges on a regular basis at Aspire AP.

Behaviour & Attendancee

Our instructional environment is well-structured and has distinct boundaries. Aspire AP School regulations, and behavior norms are outlined in a "contract" that all students must sign before beginning a placement. We deal with young people with special educational, social, emotional, and behavioral challenges on a regular basis at Aspire AP. Based on rigorous initial and continuing evaluation, our staff team is prepared to deal with students who have various learning needs and differentiate work appropriately and efficiently.

Our small group sizes and high staff-to-student ratios create an environment conducive to nurturing effective learning. This means that we can customize the curriculum and degree of support for each student, allowing them to learn and succeed. Our educational environment is well-structured and has distinct boundaries.

Aspire AP School agrees behaviour principles are formed with students and outlined in a "contract" that everyone signs at the start of the placement. Using our Behavior for Learning Assessment, staff, parents, and young people identify and establish targets in areas that present challenges for them and support is then provided to help them develop.

Staff use strategies to promote and regularly recognize positive behaviour and clear and consistent sanctions for inappropriate behavior. Students are taught that their actions have consequences, and in many cases, they begin to change their behaviour as a result.

Students are always supervised while in school. Unless excused, students are expected to attend all sessions (morning and afternoon). We think that high attendance is essential for success, and we work hard with our young people and their families to overcome any obstacles to regular attendance.

Special Educational Needs

Based on rigorous initial and continuing evaluation, our staff team are prepared to deal with students who have various learning needs and differentiate work appropriately and efficiently. Our small group sizes and high staff-to-student ratios create an environment conducive to nurturing. This means that we can customize the curriculum and the degree of support for each student requires, allowing them to learn and succeed.


At Aspire AP School, we are committed to working together to establish an environment free of bullying. We will promote and assist students in treating one another with respect and kindness, we will oppose any bullying we witness or hear, and we will implement appropriate sanctions for bullying. If students or parents have any concerns regarding bullying, they should communicate with an Aspire AP School staff member. Alternatively, they can use our online form to notify us. If we learn that a student is being bullied, we will intervene swiftly, sensitively, and effectively to ensure that the bullying does not continue. We will assist the student both during and after the resolution of the issue..


Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people as defined for the purposes of this summary as protecting children and young people from maltreatment; preventing impairment of children's health or development; ensuring that children are growing up in the circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care, and taking action to enable all children to have the best outcomes.

Staff recruitment, induction, and training

Aspire AP School has a recruitment process that ensures all necessary checks are performed on employees and volunteers to ensure they are appropriate for working with children and young people. All staff and volunteers are checked through the Disclosure and Barring Service before undertaking any employment at Aspire AP, where they will have regular and sustained interaction with children (DBS).

These checks are renewed every three years by Aspire AP. This involves a review of the 'Children's Forbidden List' and the 'Prohibition Order List' to ensure that they have not been barred from teaching or dealing with children and young people.

Furthermore, all employees have been subjected to background checks to establish their identification, qualifications, and right to work in the United Kingdom. References are obtained, and questions about the person's suitability to work with children and young people are asked.

Their employers have thoroughly vetted all visiting employees from other organizations (e.g., drug workers, sports coaches), and proof of this is kept on file at Aspire AP School. All new employees go through an induction program where they learn about safeguarding and welfare rules and procedures such as health and safety, first aid, bullying, and child protection. All Aspire AP employees are given refresher training in the area of data security.

Child Protection Policy

The school has a child safety policy and procedures in place that are in conformity with inter-agency processes that have been agreed upon locally. Procedure for dealing with claims of abuse leveled against employees or volunteers Aspire AP has a protocol in place to deal with claims of abuse leveled against its employees or volunteers. These procedures are in accordance with the Government's legislative guidance as well as locally approved inter-agency guidance. The Client Complaints Procedure, which may be found here, contains information on how to file a complaint.

These checks are renewed every three years by Aspire AP. This involves a review of the 'Children's Forbidden List' and the 'Prohibition Order List' to ensure that they have not been barred from teaching or dealing with children and young people.

Furthermore, all employees have been subjected to background checks to establish their identification, qualifications, and right to work in the United Kingdom. References are obtained, and questions about the person's suitability to work with children and young people are asked.

Their employers have thoroughly vetted all visiting employees from other organizations (e.g., drug workers, sports coaches), and proof of this is kept on file at Aspire AP School. All new employees go through an induction program where they learn about safeguarding and welfare rules and procedures such as health and safety, first aid, bullying, and child protection. All Aspire AP employees are given refresher training in the area of data security.