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Concerns? Special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) can affect a child or young person’s ability to learn. They can affect their: behaviour or ability to socialise, for example they may struggle to make friends ability to process language, including reading and writing ability to understand things…

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Home - Local Offer Birmingham

Welcome to Birmingham’s Local Offer Website. Here you will find help, advice and information about the services available for your child or young person from birth to 25 years with a special educational need or disability (SEND).

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What happens after school?

Aspire AP Schools offers a variety of after-school and summer programmes, allowing pupils to continue to engage and study after school and throughout the holidays. Examples of popular options include breakfast clubs and workshops in sports, journalism, creative arts, and music

The School Environment

How should I behave?

Aspire AP Schools are committed to collaborating with pupils in order to foster learning behaviours which result in every pupil fullfilling their potential. Consequently, we will not tolerate behaviours which jeopardises learning opportunities in our school.

Our code of conduct addresses two sorts of behaviour:

  • Unacceptable Behaviour
  • ''Unacceptable Behaviour',' will not be tolerated and will result in sanctions. Example of unacceptable behaviour include: fighting, violence, verbal abuse, hostility against others and bullying. These behaviours make the school unsafe and others fearful.

  • Unwanted Behaviour
  • 'Unwanted Behaviour,' will always be addressed, but there may not always be a sanction attached. Swearing is an example of this type of behaviour. We don't want to hear it at our school, so we'll work with you to limit it and help you find other ways to express yourself.

    What about bullying?

    At Aspire AP School, we are committed to working together to create an environment free of bullying. We actively encourage and assist pupils to treat one another with respect and kindness. We will oppose any bullying we witness or hear and we will implement appropriate sanctions for bullying. If you believe you are being bullied, you can speak to a member of staff at any time or use the Student Voice Box to let us know about your concern.

    If you inform us that you are being bullied, we will respond immediately, sensitively and effectively to ensure that the bullying does not continue. We will assist you both during and after resolution of the issue.

    How should I stay safe?

    It is our top responsibility to do all we possibly can to make you feel safe while you are a pupil at Aspire AP School. This means that we will do everything in our power to care for you and protect you from danger, offer a secure and healthy school environment and address any concerns you or or indeed we, may have. Before beginning employment at Aspire AP Schools, all our staff are thoroughly screened to ensure they are suitable for working with children..

    Our employees are properly qualified and undergo ongoing training in safeguarding, health and safety, first aid, fire safety and behaviour management. This ensures that they understand how to keep you safe and deal with any problems that may emerge.

    Staying safe online

    When utilising the internet, whether at Aspire AP or elsewhere, we recommend that you take the following simple precautions:

  • 1. Do not post any personal information online, such as your phone number, address, passwords, or school affiliation.
  • 2. Speak up! If you have seen something online that made you feel worried, unsafe, or uneasy, please talk to an adult you trust.
  • 3. Ask the question: Why are they "your online friend" or "follower" if you don't know them?
  • 4. Privacy settings should always be kept as high as possible. Find out how to do this by using search engines on social networking websites..
  • 5. Use caution when "posting" or "sharing" a photo online. Remember that once a photo is uploaded to the internet, anyone can share or download it.
  • If you are concerned about your own or someone else's safety or well-being, you can speak with any member of staff. You can do this even if your issue is about the behaviour of another member of staff.

    How we work with you

    Partnerships with Parents & Carers

    Partnerships with parents are an important part of Aspire AP School’s commitment to providing comprehensive support for your child. We appreciate your help and welcome any questions or comments.

    While your child is at Aspire AP, staff will contact parents or caregivers on a regular basis to provide information on progress and behaviour. Parents and caregivers are encouraged to communicate openly with staff who are always available. Parents and caregivers will receive progress report every half term and are invited to attend a termly review meetings where further conversations happens and plans for the next stages are agreed on. A final review occurs at the end of a placement, where parents and caregivers are invited to an Awards Presentation.

    Family Support

    In addition to working with your child in school, we are eager to assist our students' parents, caregivers and relatives in any way we can. Our staff will call you shortly after the referral interview to explore how they can support you.

    How we work with your child

    How will your child be referred?

    Aspire AP School usually receives referrals from a child’s school, the local authority or other statutory agency. This occurs when they determine that additional intervention is required to satisfy your child's requirements and assist them in making progress.

    There will be a pre-admission interview at Aspire AP School with your child and a representative from their school, as well as the parent or carer. At this interview you will have an opportunity to input into your child's educational requirements, as well as understand the expectations and boundaries they will face at Aspire AP School.

    Aspire AP School is not intended to be a long-term solution for your child but rather to prepare them to move on and succeed - whether back into a regular college, school, training or work.


    Our instructional and supportive environment is well-structured and has distinct boundaries. The Aspire AP School policies and behavioural norms are outlined in a "contract" that your child must sign before beginning at Aspire AP School.

    Positive behaviour is promoted and rewarded at Aspire while negative behaviour is addressed with clear, consistent and fair consequences. We will help your child to understand that their actions have consequences and want to support them to make the necessary modifications so as to access a positive learning environment.

    Occasionally, a student's behaviour necessitate their exclusion for a period of time. When this occurs, Aspire AP School will offer them access to learning that they can undertake at home. Following an exclusion, we would normally request that you and your child attend a reintegration meeting at the school before returning. Students are always supervised while in school.


    We believe that excellent attendance is essential for success and will work with you and your child to overcome any challenges to good attendance. Unless authorised by Aspire AP school or your child's referring school, students are expected to attend all sessions (morning and afternoon) in their Aspire AP School program. As a parent or caregiver, you must offer a cause for any absence and should call the school at the start of the school day to notify personnel why your child is unable to attend that day.

    Special Educational Needs

    Because of our small group sizes and excellent staff-to-student ratios, your child will be supported and cared for, while still being educationally challenged. We tailor learning and assistance for each pupil, providing your child the best opportunity to progress and succeed.


    Aspire AP is committed to establishing a positive atmosphere in which bullying is not allowed. We will promote and assist students in treating one another with respect and kindness but will oppose any bullying we witness or hear. Appropriate action will be undertaken for any cases of bullying identified.

    If you believe your child is being bullied, you can contact a member of Aspire AP School staff at any time or use our online form to notify us. If you notify us that your child is being bullied, we will respond immediately, sensitively and effectively to ensure that the bullying does not continue. We will assist your child both during and after the resolution of the problem.

    Staff recruitment, induction, and training

    Aspire AP School has a recruitment process that ensures all necessary checks are performed on employees and volunteers to ensure they are appropriate for working with children and young people.

    All staff and volunteers are checked through the Disclosure and Barring Service before undertaking any employment at Aspire AP, where they will have regular and sustained interaction with children (DBS). These checks are renewed every three years by Aspire AP School.

    This involves a review of the 'Children's Forbidden List' and the 'Prohibition Order List' to ensure that they have not been barred from teaching or dealing with children and young people. Furthermore, all employees have been subjected to background checks to establish their identification, qualifications, and right to work in the United Kingdom.

    References are obtained and questions about the person's suitability to work with children and young people are asked. Their employers have thoroughly vetted all visiting employees from other organizations (e.g., drug workers, sports coaches), and proof of this is kept on file at Aspire AP. All new employees go through an induction program where they learn about safeguarding and welfare rules and procedures such as health and safety, first aid, bullying, and child protection.

    Child Protection Policy

    Aspire AP School has a child protection policy and procedures in place that adhere to locally agreed-upon inter-agency processes. This includes having a Designated Officer who is properly trained to deal with child protection and to communicate with other agencies as needed.

    The Child Protection Policy outlines the actions that staff should take if they are concerned that a child or young person is suffering significant harm or is at risk of suffering significant harm, as well as the actions that should be taken to promote the welfare of a child in need of additional support, even if they are not suffering harm or are not in immediate danger.

    There are procedures in place for dealing with allegations of abuse made against staff or volunteers. Aspire AP School has a protocol in place to deal with claims of abuse leveled against its employees or volunteers. These procedures are in accordance with the Government's legislative guidance as well as locally approved inter-agency guidance. The Aspire AP School's Client Complaints Procedure, which can be accessed here, has information on how to file a complaint.

    Policy review and availability

    Policies and procedures relating to safeguarding and welfare at Aspire AP School are reviewed and revised at least yearly and are available at the bottom of this page or upon request from any member of Aspire AP School staff.


    At Aspire AP School , we work hard to deliver high-quality advice to students and their families about the risks of the internet digital world. We also offer advice and assistance to help you stay safe and avoid these risks and dangers.

    Social Networking

    Social media sites such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Tick Tok continue to rise in popularity amongst young people.

    Top Tips for Parents and Carers

  • Make sure the computer is stored in a location where you can easily monitor what your children are doing online.
  • Utilize Internet filtering software and the options on your web browser to enable protection on certain websites.
  • Encourage your children not to divulge personal information on the Internet.
  • Create a "code of behavior" in which your children participate in developing rules that must be followed when using the Internet at home.
  • Be online with one another! Browsing the Internet with your child and participating in their "online world" will enhance online safety.
  • If you are worried about the safety and welfare of a student at Aspire AP School, you can speak to any member of staff. You can do this even if your concern involves the conduct of another member of staff.

    Partnership with West Midlands Police

    Aspire AP School is dedicated to keeping our pupils safe both inside and outside of the school. We have a two-way information-sharing agreement with West Midlands Police as part of our safeguarding processes. The agreement complies with the Crime and Disorder Act 1998 (section 115) and the Data Protection Act 1998 (sections 29.3 and 35.2), and it focuses on preventing young people from becoming involved or becoming more involved in crime and anti-social behavior as a victim or offender. Please contact the Head Teacher if you have any questions about the cooperation.

    Your Feedback

    Parents' Views

    We want to hear about your experiences, so Click here to complete Aspire AP School Online Parent Survey. If you are the parent or carer of a current or former student at the Aspire AP School, you can complete our online survey.

    If you are the parent or caregiver of a current Aspire AP School student, you may also complete Ofsted's Parent View online questionnaire. Parents can provide feedback to Ofsted at any time during the year, not only during school inspections. Your replies will assist Ofsted in forming an accurate picture of our school and passing a fair judgment on it. Parent View - Give Ofsted your view on your child's school.

    Take Online Survey